Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (RBDM)
Customers may apply for certificates online at
To finalise your application you are required to present your proof of identification (POI) to an authorised person for verification of identity.
Our Robina and Harbour Town Signing Centres are now online and can complete verification of your identity during our opening hours. Please ensure that you bring your:
1. Application Receipt
2. Current Drivers Licence
3. Medicare Card
4. Rates, utility bill or government correspondence proving home address
The process only takes a few minutes to complete and if you provided your mobile phone number you will receive conformation via text message within a few minutes.
Queensland new Statutory Declaration
Queensland has a new Statutory Declaration form approved on 30th April 2022.
Forms and explanatory guides available at
Enduring Power of Attorney and Advance Health Directive
Approved forms changed on the 30 November 2020.
Only the new forms can be witnessed by JPs and Cdec.
** The explanatory guide should be read before you complete the form.
Forms and explanatory guides are available at